Physiotherapy to Treat Pelvic Organ Prolapse (Guest Post by

Women diagnosed with Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) may feel confused about what the diagnosis means, and what treatments are available. It is important that women become educated on the subject since approximately 50 percent will be diagnosed with it. POP occurs when a weakened pelvic floor allows pelvic organs to fall, or drop, placing pressureContinue reading “Physiotherapy to Treat Pelvic Organ Prolapse (Guest Post by”

Pilates for Senior Citizens- Why?

Good Posture: head over shoulders, over hips, over knees, over ankles. Pilates for senior citizens works wonders as it is low impact compared to other forms of exercise. It’s not as severe on the joints as other types of exercise workouts. Pilates focusses on breathing & quality-controlled movements, not repetitions. How Pilates Works? “Pilates stretchesContinue reading “Pilates for Senior Citizens- Why?”

Strength Training in Golden Years

The common perception of the elderly is that they become weak and fragile due to age induced muscle wasting. It has been shown that resistance training can enhance muscle mass and function even in 90 year old subjects, and is the most effective way to maintain the quality of life as we age. Anyone whoContinue reading “Strength Training in Golden Years”

Why should Senior Citizens Exercise?

Welcome to one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself. Exercise!-The fountain of youth! For the most part, when older people lose their ability to do things on their own, it is not because they have aged. More likely, it is because they have become inactive. The human body is made for movement,Continue reading “Why should Senior Citizens Exercise?”