5 Ways to Deal with the Lockdown

It’s been seven months since the world turned upside down. The Coronavirus pandemic has knocked our life out of balance. And coping with these long term changes hasn’t been easy for us all, leaving us feeling less like ourselves – difficult nights sleep, stress with work or even the weather. ⠀⠀ The days you struggle andContinue reading “5 Ways to Deal with the Lockdown”

Ways to Ease a Muscle Cramp

Cramps are unpleasant, often painful sensations caused by muscle contraction or over shortening. Common causes of skeletal muscle cramps is- Muscle fatigue Cold Temperatures Not enough Warm up before exercising or playing a sport Dehydration Electrolyte imbalance Ways to relax your Muscles & avoid Cramping: Hydrate Yourself- Dehydration is one of the biggest culprits of muscleContinue reading “Ways to Ease a Muscle Cramp”

The Right Run- Your Action Plan

Still hell-bent on racking up the miles? Remember there’s a fine line between pushing through and pushing your luck — and only you (and your doctor) will know what’s best when the running gets rough. By taking a few precautions and planning, you can prevent many common running injuries. Here are some tips for preventingContinue reading “The Right Run- Your Action Plan”

The Right Run- Common Injuries

Running is a great way to stay in shape. But it can take a toll on your muscles and joints. To avoid running injuries, it’s important to take precautions before you set out. Most running injuries happen when you push yourself too hard. Adding distance or speed to your running routine, running up hills, and intervalContinue reading “The Right Run- Common Injuries”

The Right Run- Incorrect vs. Correct #Graphically

NOTE: This post explains Biomechanics of Running pictorially. Which Runner are You? Incorrect Vs. Correct Achieving Good Running Form

The Right Run- Foot & Footwear

“The Right Run” is a series of 6 articles, spaced across 2 weeks- Foot & Footwear Incorrect vs Correct Common Injuries Your Action Plan A few Exercises Barefoot vs. Shoe Running puts a lot of stress on the feet and for this reason runners should choose a pair of running shoes that is comfortable andContinue reading “The Right Run- Foot & Footwear”

Handbag Syndrome

A camera, mobile phone, make-up, wallet, laptop, umbrella, water bottle, laptop, a change of clothes, a bottle of wine, books, groceries … we’ve pulled all of these items out of our purse on different occasions. Big handbags are in fashion for a couple of years now, so inevitably the amount of content these bags carry grows ThatContinue reading “Handbag Syndrome”

Scoliosis- An Overview

Scoliosis is not a disease, but rather it is a deformity in the spine that causes an abnormal C-shaped (one curve) or S-shaped curvature (two curves). Depending on when it develops, there are 3 types of scoliosis: Infantile– Birth-3 years of age Juvenile- 4-9 years of age Adolescent– 10 years-when growth is complete Adults can haveContinue reading “Scoliosis- An Overview”