Telehealth: a new revolution.

      Covid-19 has changed our perception of everything.  A new revolution is happening in healthcare: Telehealth. So what is a Telehealth? Telehealth is a live one on one call with your healthcare provider via telephone or a video call. As the clinics closed and elective surgeries got postponed the whole patient care systemContinue reading “Telehealth: a new revolution.”

Total Hip Replacement

Total Hip replacement is a surgical procedure of removing the diseased the femur head and neck and replacing it with an artificial prosthesis. Usually the patients considered for the total hip replacements are: Young patient Osteoarthritis of hip joint Rheumatoid arthritis Avascular necrosis Septicemia There is a progressive increase in chronic pain and difficulty inContinue reading “Total Hip Replacement”

Towards a Healthy Menopause…

Menopause marks the opening of the new chapter in women’s life. It is the time when women stops having menstruation.Menopause can be divided into following phases:Perimenopause: Its the transition years when the hormonal levels start depleting and women experiences changes at the physical and emotional levels.Premenopause: These are the years leading up to the lastContinue reading “Towards a Healthy Menopause…”